
One of only a few industrial ecologists in Canada specializing in the relatively new field of resource criticality assessment.

I am an active industrial ecologist who strives to enhance our understanding of the built environment’s complexities and its relationship to the natural environment by exploring material flows and stocks at various spatial and temporal scales. My research program is aimed at efficient waste and resource management to operationalize resource circularity in a sustainable manner.

Journal Articles

Ku, A.Y., Alonso, E., Eggert, R., Graedel, T., Habib, K., Hool, A., Muta, T., Schrijvers, D., Tercero, L., Vakhitova, T and Veeh, C. 2024. Grand challenges in anticipating and responding to critical materials supply risks. Joule

Cimprich, A., Young, S.B., Schrijvers, D., Ku, A.Y., Hagelüken, C., Christmann, P., Eggert, R., Habib, K., Hirohata, A., Hurd, A.J., Lee, M-H., Peck, D., Petavratzi, E., Espinoza, L.A.T., Wäger, P and Hool, A. 2023. The role of industrial actors in the circular economy for critical raw materials: a framework with case studies across a range of industries. Mineral Economics. : 1-19.

Habib, K. 2023. Can planned obsolescence ever be obsolete? Trade-offs between consumer safety, product performance, and lifetime. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 190: 106858.

Weber, S., Weber, O., Habib, K. and Dias, G. 2023. Textile waste in Canada: Opportunities for reuse and recycling. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 190: 106835.

Habib, K., Mohammadi, E* and Withanage, S.V*. 2023. A first comprehensive estimate of electronic waste in Canada. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 448: 130865.

Yang, Y., Habib, K and Wood, M. 2023. Establishing best practices for E-commerce transport packaging waste management in Canada: A systematic review. Journal of Cleaner Production. 139377.

Cholewinski, A., Dadzie, E., Sherlock, C*., Anderson, W.A., Charles, T.C., Habib, K., Young, S.B and Zhao, B. 2022. A critical review of microplastic degradation and material flow analysis towards a circular economy. Environmental Pollution. 315: 120334.

Tutton, C.G*., Young, S.B and Habib, K. 2022. Pre-processing of e-waste in Canada: Case of a facility responding to changing material composition. Resources, Environment and Sustainability. 9: 100069.

Mohammadi, E*., Singh, S.J and Habib, K. 2021. How big is circular economy potential on Caribbean islands considering e-waste?. Journal of Cleaner Production.

Habib, K., Sprecher, B and Young, S.B. 2021. COVID-19 impacts on metal supply: How does 2020 differ from previous supply chain disruptions?. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 165

Withanage, S.V*., Dias, G.M and Habib, K. 2021. Review of household food waste quantification methods: Focus on composition analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production. 279

Withanage, S.V* and Habib, K. 2021. Life Cycle Assessment and Material Flow Analysis: Two UnderUtilized Tools for Informing E-Waste Management. Sustainability. 13(14)

Mollaei, A*., Ibrahim, N and Habib, K. 2021. Estimating the construction material stocks in two Canadian cities: A case study of Kitchener and Waterloo. Journal of Cleaner Production. 280

Mohammadi, E*., Singh, S.J and Habib, K. 2021. Electronic waste in the Caribbean: An impending environmental disaster or an opportunity for a circular economy?. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 164

Schrijvers, D., Hool, A., Blengini, G.A., Chen, W-Q., Dewulf, J., Eggert, R., van Ellen L., Gauss, R., Goddin, J., Habib, K., et al. 2020. A review of methods and data to determine raw material criticality. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 155

Habib, K., Hansdóttir, S.T* and Habib, H. 2020. Critical metals for electromobility: Global demand scenarios for passenger vehicles, 2015–2050. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 154

Espinoza, L.T., Schrijvers, D., Chen, W-Q., Dewulf, J., Eggert, R., Goddin, J., Habib, K., et al. 2020. Greater circularity leads to lower criticality, and other links between criticality and the circular economy. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 159

Habib, K. 2019. A product classification approach to optimize circularity of critical resources - the case of NdFeB magnets. Journal of Cleaner Production. 230: 90-97.

Habib, K. and Wenzel, H. 2016. A dynamic perspective on geopolitical supply risk of metals. Journal of Cleaner Production 133: 850-858.

Parajuly, K., Habib, K., Cimpan, C., Liu, G and Wenzel, H. 2016. End-of-Life resource recovery from emerging electronic products – A case study of robotic vacuum cleaners. Journal of Cleaner Production 137: 652-666.

Parajuly, K., Habib, K. and Liu, G. 2016. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in Denmark: flows, quantities and management. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. In Press.

Habib, K., Parajuly, K and Wenzel, H. 2015. Tracking the flow of resources in electronic waste – the case of end-of-life computer hard disk drives. Environmental Science & Technology 49: 12441-12449.

Machacek, E., Richter, J. L., Habib, K. and Klossek, P. 2015. Recycling of rare earths from fluorescent lamps: Value analysis of closing-the-loop under demand and supply uncertainties. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 104: 76-93.

Habib, K. and Wenzel, H. 2015. Reviewing resource criticality assessment from a dynamic and technology specific perspective – using the case of direct-drive wind turbines. Journal of Cleaner Production 112: 3852-3863.

Sørensen, B.L., Dall, O.L and Habib, K. 2015. Environmental and resource implications of phosphorous recovery from waste activated sludge. Waste Management 45: 391-399.

Habib K., Schibye PK, Vestbø AP, Dall O, Wenzel H. 2014. Material Flow Analysis of NdFeB Magnets for Denmark: A Comprehensive Waste Flow Sampling and Analysis Approach. Environmental Science and Technology. 48(20): 12229-12237.

Habib K., Schmidt JH, Christensen P. 2013. A historical perspective of Global Warming Potential from Municipal Solid Waste Management. Waste Management. 33(9): 1926-1933.

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